Sunday, 25 April 2010

Teeth Whitening After Care Diet

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After investing your time and money in to teeth whitening it is essential that you do not re-stain the teeth too easily after the treatment.

The process involved with teeth whitening involves opening deep cleansing the pores of the enamel and by doing this and removing the staining being held in the enamel allows the teeth to whiten and reflect through the enamel to the dentin a much cleaner and healthy smile that makes you look younger and more vibrant.

Everyone has different thickness of enamel and differing levels of coloration within the dentin and this will affect how white the teeth will whiten up but the main thing is not to re-stain the teeth too easily after the treatment.

Step 1

Avoid things like tea, coffee, red wine, cola, curries, dark vegetables and basically anything with colorants in them. The rule of thumb here is that if the component you wish to place in your mouth let’s say is a bottle of cola and you was to drop some on a white shirt would it stain? If the answer is yes then avoid for a minimum of forty eight hours after the treatment.

Step 2

If you cannot trust yourself giving up smoking (if you smoke) or reduce your tea intake then speak to your whitening consultant about the use of a whitening kit for a few days after the treatment. This will allow the pores of the enamel to slowly close up during the use of the home kit as the strength of the gel is lower than the professional systems and therefore you get the best of both worlds.

Reducing the chance of re-staining by doing this does work and has been a proven method for professional whitening companies who do not want customers to lose the results gained after investing in a treatment.


So just be honest with the whitening consultant when discussing the situation after the treatment and if you do not think you can avoid your favourite teeth staining items then discuss maybe some low strength gels or strips as these work quite well for this purpose.

Teeth whitening are definitely worth investing in as it can lighten the teeth and enhance your smile but thinking of your habits or lifestyle after the treatment will ensure you get the best value for money going forward and this means not just for the few days after the treatment when the teeth are particularly porous.

This might mean a regular maintenance with the laser system or if you are using the trays then using them every few weeks for a few hours at a time to keeps the smile looking bright.

Unfortunately nobody has designed a protective lacquer for the teeth so they stay porous and likely to re-stain through the day to day things we love to consume.

Like exercise you would not expect to run three times a week and start losing weight and then stop running and keep the health benefits forever and same goes for teeth whitening.

By Jason Scott Edworthy

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