Thursday, 29 April 2010
Health And Diet During Holidays
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- Holidays are just an excuse to go off track from your fitness program. The mindset of people is that since we follow our fitness regime all week / month / year long, we can indulge in gorging over those cakes and ice creams. Aim to stay on track with your fitness program this and all other holidays. By skipping workouts, eating more, exercising less one tends to gain weight. It’s like going back where we started off from. Make a decision to stay in shape with all the food around you.
- Holidays are a hectic time. All premeditated schedules can go haywire. To stay on track, create a work out time table listing down all the parties, dinners and so on. Keep the time table at such a place where you are forced to look at it every day. This serves as a reminder to stick to your time table religiously.
- If you think you would like to lose 25 lbs during holidays despite enjoying parties, set a goal much before and start working towards it. Goal can also be to gain few kilos also.
- With so much lip smacking, gorgeous food all around, you will feel tempted to just give your fitness program. Keep one day aside where you can treat your self to all your cravings and give in to all your binging. Stick to your fitness program rest of the days. And don’t feel even one iota of guilt while satiating your self. Schedule your day to cheat on fitness routine when you have major event lined up.
- If you skip one day of exercise, don’t despair. Get on with it the next day. Nothing goes waste. One day of holiday in your fitness schedule should be a motivating factor for you to get back on your fitness regime.
- If you have planned a big dinner, you might tend to skip either morning or afternoon meal. Avoid changing your eating pattern. Treat the big dinner party at night just like regular dinner time and eat how much you would eat normally.
- Control food portion size in holidays. Eat your favorite foods in moderation. Overindulgence will show around your waistline.
- One always has choices, no matter where you are. Make the best possible choice based on the alternatives available in front of you. If it’s impossible, eat a small portion than a big one.
- Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. Drink few glasses of water before dinner to control your appetite and not kill those hunger pangs. If you just drink and not eat a well balanced meal, you will bloat. Drink water throughout the day to maintain a steady state of hydration.
By Sharon Hopkins
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Teeth Whitening After Care Diet
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The process involved with teeth whitening involves opening deep cleansing the pores of the enamel and by doing this and removing the staining being held in the enamel allows the teeth to whiten and reflect through the enamel to the dentin a much cleaner and healthy smile that makes you look younger and more vibrant.
Everyone has different thickness of enamel and differing levels of coloration within the dentin and this will affect how white the teeth will whiten up but the main thing is not to re-stain the teeth too easily after the treatment.
Step 1
Avoid things like tea, coffee, red wine, cola, curries, dark vegetables and basically anything with colorants in them. The rule of thumb here is that if the component you wish to place in your mouth let’s say is a bottle of cola and you was to drop some on a white shirt would it stain? If the answer is yes then avoid for a minimum of forty eight hours after the treatment.
Step 2
If you cannot trust yourself giving up smoking (if you smoke) or reduce your tea intake then speak to your whitening consultant about the use of a whitening kit for a few days after the treatment. This will allow the pores of the enamel to slowly close up during the use of the home kit as the strength of the gel is lower than the professional systems and therefore you get the best of both worlds.
Reducing the chance of re-staining by doing this does work and has been a proven method for professional whitening companies who do not want customers to lose the results gained after investing in a treatment.
So just be honest with the whitening consultant when discussing the situation after the treatment and if you do not think you can avoid your favourite teeth staining items then discuss maybe some low strength gels or strips as these work quite well for this purpose.
Teeth whitening are definitely worth investing in as it can lighten the teeth and enhance your smile but thinking of your habits or lifestyle after the treatment will ensure you get the best value for money going forward and this means not just for the few days after the treatment when the teeth are particularly porous.
This might mean a regular maintenance with the laser system or if you are using the trays then using them every few weeks for a few hours at a time to keeps the smile looking bright.
Unfortunately nobody has designed a protective lacquer for the teeth so they stay porous and likely to re-stain through the day to day things we love to consume.
Like exercise you would not expect to run three times a week and start losing weight and then stop running and keep the health benefits forever and same goes for teeth whitening.
By Jason Scott Edworthy
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Managing Health Care - Health
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Answers to the following questions provide clues to the use of health-care services, providers, and products and facilitate the self-care approach to wellness:
- When should you seek health care?
- What can you expect from a stay in the hospital?
- How can you select a health-care professional?
When To Seek Health Care
Many people tend to fall into two extreme groups regarding health care: those who seek health care for every ache and pain and those who avoid health care unless experiencing extreme pain. Both groups unwisely use the health-care establishment. Those in the first group fail to understand that too much health care can be ineffective or even harmful. They also fail to recognize the powerful recuperative powers of the body. An estimated 80% of patients who seek medical care are unaffected by treatment, 10% get better, and 9% experience an nitrogen condition in which they get worse because of the medical treatment. Those in the latter group fail to recognize the value of early diagnosis and detection of disease. This is especially true for men; 30% of men have not been to a doctor in a year or more, one-third have never had their cholesterol checked, and three fourths have not been checked for prostate cancer during the previous year.
Perhaps the best way to find a balance between too much and too little health care is to establish a physician-patient relationship with a general practitioner. The general practitioner may be a family practice physician or an internist who specializes in internal medicine.
It is important to visit your doctor while in good health. This permits your doctor to serve as a facilitator of wellness and provides a benchmark for interpreting symptoms when they occur.
A second important way to balance health care is to trust your instincts. Nobody knows when some thing is wrong with your body better than you do. Health and illness are subject to a wide variation in interpretation. If you are attuned to your body, you are your own best expert for recognizing signs and symptoms of illness.
Several signs and symptoms warrant medical attention without question. Internal bleeding, such as blood in urine, bowel movement, sputum, or vomit, or blood from any of the body's openings requires immediate attention. Abdominal pain, especially when it is associated with nausea, may indicate a wide range of problems from appendicitis to pelvic inflammatory disease and requires the diagnostic expertise of a physician. A stiff neck when accompanied by a fever may suggest meningitis and justifies immediate medical intervention. Injuries, many first aid emergencies, and severe disabling symptoms require prompt medical care.
There is debate as to when medical care is needed in the case of fever. An elevated temperature may be a sign that the body's immune system is responding to an infection and working to destroy pathogens, or disease-producing organisms. On the other hand, if left untreated for an extended time, a fever may cause harm to sensitive tissues in the body, such as connective tissue found in joints and tissues in the valves of the heart.
The normal body temperature of 98.6° F was studied at the University of Maryland. Findings involving 700 temperature readings of 148 adults over a 3-day period suggest that the normal body temperature is 98.9° F. The study attributed the difference to less accurate techniques when the earlier standard of 98.6° F was established. Body temperature varies with exercise, rest, climate, and gender. Fever means a reading over 99° F. It is not usually necessary for an adult to seek medical care for a fever. Home treatment in the form of aspirin, acetaminophen, and sponge baths usually lowers fever. You should consult your physician if fever remains above 102 0 F despite your actions or, in the case of a low-grade fever (99 0 to 100 0 F), if there is no improvement in 72 hours. You should consult a physician if fever lasts more than 5 days, regardless of improvement. Symptoms, such as sore throat, ear pain, diarrhea, urinary problems, and skin rash, may be the cause of the fever and should be treated as such. Fever in young children should be discussed with a physician.
By Carrie Smith
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Do it Yourself Health Care! Tips For When You Dont Have a Choice to Your Health
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If you are on medications for a particular illness, don't worry, there are ways to get what you need in a reasonable amount of time. Today, you can find many online pharmacies that can help you with a variety of health issues and medications.
Be careful to make sure that you don't over medicate yourself, this can cause serious health issues and that is something you don't want to mess around with. If you have been on a medication for quite some time, you should still have a bottle, on the bottle you will find all the necessary information you may require to get a prescription online. You can find in most cases the correct dosages, even generic brands that are far less expensive than the name brands. Unfortunately, you won't get the discount you might have gotten when you had health insurance and merely had to pay the co-payment, but at least you can still take care of your health properly and stay on the medication that is needed.
The world wide web is full of online health stores and pharmacies that cover a huge array of health concerns. Even preventative measures to insure that you don't get sick. Many even have a way for you to ask the pharmacist that is in charge of the particular site to make sure that you are getting exactly what you need. This is quite helpful for many people.
If you feel you have an infection that requires an antibiotic and know in particular what you can take for this, you will find that there are quite a few online places that do carry antibiotics. They are reasonably priced and work great. However, if you are unsure of dosage, your best bet is to be sure to check with the customer service to be sure you don't over medicate yourself. This can cause issues from allergic reactions to stomach issues. So be careful should you have to medicate with an antibiotic.
An ounce of prevention goes a long way for many people. If you feel that you want to get yourself on a good regime to prevent any future illnesses, you will find that many online health stores carry a fine line of vitamins and natural supplements, be sure to read through so that you know you are getting exactly what you need to take care of yourself.
Is prescription medication bad for you or does it actually help? This is truly a question worth pondering. It seems like all of these problems we have with drugs now never really seemed to exist. Truthfully, addiction to as well as abuse of prescription medication is a fairly new development in recent years compared to other types of drug use and abuse. Part of this problem is due to the fact that technology as well as science has developed significantly over time.
By Banko Stoianov
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Health Care - If You Love Health Care
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Health care cuddles all services and goods that are mainly designed in order to promote the health comprising curative, palliative and preventive inventions whether intended for individuals. Pre-arranged provisions for such services that may constitute system of health care include specific government organization like National Health Services or some other social services.
Health care is usually provided in many developing and developed countries to almost everybody regardless of an individual’s ability to compensate. Health care paybacks are of big worry especially for the families along with the costs having skyrocketed for the employers.
You can easily obtain information concerning health care by surfing websites, which provides comprehensive source of orientation in order to look after well-being of your family and yourself. There are few tips concerning health care that are necessary to take care of which may include:
• Checking of medicines regularly
You must try to avoid supplements as well as drugs, particularly painkillers as it can create heat burn within the body and hinders the internal system of your body. Always refer to those medicines that are prescribed by the doctor.
• Examine your own diet
Always try to avoid caffeine, dark chocolates as well as high acid foods such as citrus juices. Do not over eat as it can lead to obesity. Rich food is much and more powerful than any other prescription in order to take proper health care.
• Quit smoking
Smoking is injurious to health as it can destroy your lungs because tobacco irritates the digestive tract and this contributes to severe health problems.
• Loose weight
Weight loss is the most common health care step that is necessary to take care of. You must avoid eating junk food or oily food as it can creates mess in the process of digestive system workings. Do not starve or skip your meals as by doing so the metabolism process would get obstruct that can lead to indigestion.
• Reduce stress
To take proper health care, reducing your stress is an important element that one should always consider. Stress can also lead to overeating which in turn leads to obesity and creates malfunctioning inside your body. Obesity is the common problem from which every individual suffer from, thus keeping yourself happy is the finest way to take proper health care.
• Exercises
Doing exercise is the best way to remain fit and healthy. By doing regular aerobic program, brisk walk daily and by practicing yoga everyday, it becomes possible for an individual to maintain health care. One can also opt for meditation that helps a person in eliminating stress and keeping oneself calm and stress free.
By Nitiphat Nianjit
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Friday, 9 April 2010
Health Care Articles Are All About Taking Care Of Our Bodies
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Taking care of the human body is no easy task. There's a bit more involved than a simple positive attitude. What we eat, for example, can and does have a serious effect on our inside and out. And it's not just about being overweight. Then there's the whole fitness thing. Physical activity is required if you really expect to stay strong, healthy and live a fully-functional life.
You've seen the folks in their 60s, 70s and up who can barely get around. Don't think that it's just related to their age, because it's not. You never see fitness and health nuts struggling during their golden years. This is because they lived right. You don't have to take it from me. Just get a load of the latest health care article on living smart and doing what it takes to stay fit.
Americans are the worst when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. It's as if we're deprived of the latest health care article or medical updates. We're totally not! We all know that a poor diet leads to diabetes, certain types of cancer, heart disease, obesity, and high cholesterol. Since we do have the knowledge to prevent these nasty afflictions, why are so many of us not changing? If we don't change we could be spending our latter years using a diabete diet or contiually having heart problems. We should start thinking about cleansing our bodies with perhaps a detox diet and then start eating a little more healthily.
Why does America continue to be a fast-food nation? Pleas, whatever you do, don't talk to me about what's convenient or tempting. We all have cravings, and any of us can squelch them if we really want to. Wouldn't you discard your super-sized meal if you knew it was going to kill you on the spot? Of course you would. No one could pay you to scarf that thing down. Well, it is certainly killing you. It's just not immediate death. It's high time everyone took the modern health care article and news on eating right more seriously. Another idea is to start taking a little gentle exercise. Yoga is another ideal way to improve your well being.There are many
beginners yoga classes around.
My mother is a primary example of someone with terrible eating habits. And keep in mind that she has been a nurse her entire life. Sadly, when it comes to diet, she pays no attention to a single health care article of any kind. She has always eaten what ever she pleases. Unfortunately now she has to deal with type 2 diabetes and now eats a special diabetes diet.
By Ann Marier
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
Monday, 5 April 2010
Alkaline Diet - pH Miracle Diet For Good Health
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
An alkaline diet is a diet that is sugar free. The diet is also free of high carbohydrates, heavy saturated fat. When on an alkaline diet, you need to focus on natural form of food that’s free of toxins and chemicals.
The pH miracle diet understands that the human body consists of pH with slightly alkaline in nature. When the body performs its natural functions, at a slight alkaline level, the diet must consist of alkaline ingredients. Usually, the standard diet taken by a person comprises of foods high in caffeine, sugar, packaged foods and animal protein. These foods are acidic and have the ability to disturb the pH balance of the body, thereby creating a lot of health problems.
pH miracle diet proposes that acidic foods tend to interrupt the body’s use of alkaline minerals including sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. This develops the risk of an individual suffering from many chronic diseases.
When on a pH miracle diet, you need to stay away from foods that you eat regularly. Steer clear of wheat products. According to the Food and Drug Administration, wheat products are healthy. However, the pH miracle diet believes the opposite. It believes that oats, millet and wheat are acidic and can harm the body. One should switch over to alkaline grains such as buck wheat, spelt and quinoa. These products are full of alkaline benefit.
Next, you must avoid all dairy meals and products. In case, you are concerned about getting a lot of protein through goat’s milk, you are right. This is because goat’s milk is alkaline in nature. You can derive protein from a variety of vegetarian options such as beans, tofu and certain nuts and seeds. Limit your fruit intake to coconut, lime and grape fruit lemon.
People, who have been on an alkaline diet, have felt that it has good effects on their overall health in just first few weeks. All you require to do is to reduce your intake of processed foods and focus on eating more vegetables.
If you have already decided to cook pH miracle food, here are some useful tips
There are more than about thousands of recipes when it comes to cooking pH miracle diet.
You can look for some interesting recipes on the internet. There are several books available on different interesting pH miracle diet. You would love to cook these recipes and even relish them. First, you need to take a note of all alkalizing foods and then think of certain foods you want to use.
One of the most interesting recipes is an alkalizing broth. This broth is prepared from alkalizing vegetables and distilled water. It also consists of essential minerals and helps in restoring pH balance to your body. It facilitates internal cleansing of all the tissues and organs of the body. You can use this broth as a complex soup and serve it before serving the food.
You can also prepare a lot of juices to cleanse your body. Try fruits like apples, raspberries and strawberries. You can also go for sweet potato.
By Bertil Hjert
Labels: dental insurance, health plan, health plans, healthcare health insurance, individual health insurance, insurance health, insurance plans, medical insurance
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